
Maja Pokoje z Widokiem

Slow Life Only for Adults Intimate Agritourism Accommodation in the Jizera Foothills
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Away from the Hustle and Bustle of the City

The countryside relaxes and calms, improving our mood. We breathe fresh air and admire natural landscapes. We listen to the birds singing and start to truly live, away from the rush, spending time with family.

away from hustle and bustle

Welcome to Our 200-Year-Old House

The house from 1820, built of stone, has massive walls, arches over the doors, and deep shutters. The central bread oven with a smokehouse was the heart of the house, spreading warmth and the smell of bread. Upstairs are summer rooms, and the attic's construction is a carpenter's masterpiece without nails. The house is currently undergoing a transformation, combining minimalism, simplicity, and comfort.

We want you to forget your daily worries and truly relax when you visit our place. We are happy when you are with us and sad when you leave. Thank you for your words: “Maja Rooms with a View is a place to return to.”

Warm regards, Marta and Jarek

About us


Welcome to Our Magical Corner

Welcome to a place where time stands still and nature becomes your best friend. Here, daily worries fade away, and you can feel true harmony.


Secluded Atmosphere

Our rooms are a haven of peace, where you can forget about the outside world and enjoy leisurely walks through fields and forests. It's a true oasis of tranquility.

Welcome to a place where everyday life fades into the background, and nature surrounds you from all sides. Maja Rooms with a View is the perfect retreat from the city, in the heart of the rural charm of the Izera Foothills.


Escape from Crowds, Close to Nature

Forget about crowded resorts – here you will find a true oasis of peace and breathtaking views. Our offer is a return to nature with comfort!


Welcome to Explore

Feel the spirit of the Izera Mountains, discover the beauty of nature, and relax in a charming landscape. This is a unique place where everyday life fades into the background. Join us on a rural adventure where peace and the beauty of nature await you at every step. It's a true escape from the hustle and a holiday in a rural style!

Why us?

Intimate SPA Just for You

Finnish Sauna

Our Finnish sauna is a real hell... on earth! In our charming garden, you will find incredible temperatures ranging from 60 to 110 degrees Celsius. It's like stepping straight into hell... but without eternal torment.

The heart of our sauna is a devil's oven that heats the stones to a high temperature. We pour water on them, creating steam that makes the body and soul dance with joy. Our sauna improves blood circulation, detoxifies the body, and relaxes muscles. It's simply heaven on earth!

Are you ready for this hot experience? Enter our Finnish sauna and feel your body and mind blossom in the hot steam. Of course, if you can survive!



Whether you're on a business trip, a romantic weekend, or just need a moment of relaxation, a massage is the key to unwinding and fully relaxing. Book your massage session with our qualified physiotherapists and experience harmony during your stay with us. Our professionals know the art of massage like no one else and are ready to take care of your comfort and relaxation.

Treat yourself to this special pleasure. Book now and feel all tensions fade away, as your body and soul find peace. Rest as you deserve!


Hot Tub

Relaxing in a hot tub under a blanket of stars is a unique alternative to a traditional sauna. Our hot tub is equipped with an innovative Air Blower system that ensures unparalleled comfort during a bubble bath.

Using our hot tub is a great way to relieve tension after an intense day. Such a bath has beneficial effects on beauty, helping to maintain healthy and radiant skin. We invite you to take advantage of this unique experience. Discover the magic of the hot tub, where warmth, comfort, and beauty come together in one place!

Intimate SPA

Relax in the Garden

Peaceful Oasis in Our Garden

Forget about the hustle and bustle of city life – here you will find a true oasis of peace surrounded by natural beauty. Our garden is a place where nature becomes your best companion, and every visitor has the chance to discover its hidden charms and delightful landscapes.

Birdsong and Rustling Leaves

Here you can fully immerse yourself in the world of nature, listening to the birds singing and the leaves rustling. This is music that soothes the soul and adds charm to every day.

Discover the Beauty of Nature with Your Own Eyes

It's worth taking the time to visit our garden and see for yourself how much joy and peace contact with nature can bring. This is a true oasis of peace in the midst of the urban hustle.

We invite you to discover the beauty of our garden, where time slows down, and nature welcomes you with open arms. This place will enchant your eyes and soothe your soul!

Relax in the garden